Joanne Sexton
ISBN: 9781311075215
Length: Novel
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Price: $4.99
Buy here: Tirgearr Publishing
Twenty year old Sera's life quickly becomes surreal when she discovers she's not just human, she's a princess from a realm so full of magical folk they give credence to every fairytale she's read.
The realm is in danger, a wicked warlock has kidnapped a princess and it will take all seven princesses to save her. Transported to this celestial environment Sera is immediately captivated by the elf Keelor. It is love at first sight. He's infuriating and aloof, but chemistry sizzles despite their attraction forbidden by law and lore. In a battle for peace, threatened by evil on every side, this dynamic duo go through every tribulation in their gambit for love.
It's impossible to adapt, Sera's heart is destroyed more than once, and she faces sure death when kidnapped by vampires. This is a magical adventure which will make you fall in love, into despair, and fall into enduring affection for the intoxicating inhabitants of this wondrous realm.
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When the doorbell rang Sera sang out a goodbye to Anna and rushed to answer the door, assuming it was Sam. What she discovered, instead of her best friend, were two of the most beautiful people she’d ever seen. Both with white-blonde hair and blue eyes almost as pale. They were breath-taking. They seemed almost surreal.
Her hair was very long, slightly wavy, cascading down to the small of her back. She was also willowy tall – taller than Sera who was tall for a girl - and with cheeks that were pink against stark alabaster skin.
He stood behind her, close, as though he was guarding her against imminent danger. Sera decided he was the most incredible looking man she’d ever encountered. His hair ended slightly above his collar with a kink, and was dishevelled as though he’d run his hand through it only recently. It was messy in a styled sort of manner. His lips and skin were the same in hue as his companion.
“Good morning, Seraphina,” the female said in a melodic voice. Is Annaphina at home?”
For several moments, Sera merely stared. How did this beautiful woman know her and her mother? Who was the wonderfully striking man with her?
She was awestruck by his ethereal beauty and presence. Sera looked him over as long as politely possible, and couldn’t help but notice his hard lean body beneath his strange olive green pants and square cut vest. His arms, as pale as his face, looked firm and strong. He too was tall.
“Seraphina?” she spoke again. “Are you unwell?”
Sera shook her head to tear herself out of her reverie and the assimilation of the man before her. “Um yes, I’ll get her for you. Would you like to come in?”
“Yes, thank you.”
The female walked gracefully as though floating, and her companion followed without saying a word. She was in the process of closing the door when Sam bounded up the stairs. He always managed to appear out of nowhere and she could never quite understand how he did this.
“Hey, Sam,” she called. “Come in, my Mum has... guests, and I just have to let her know.”
“No problem,” he replied. “The movie doesn’t start for an hour.”
She closed the door behind him and turned to the two pale figures in her living room, both opting to remain standing.
“Sam this is...” She stopped, realising she didn’t actually know who they were.
“Keela, Keelor, what are you doing here?” said Anna, entering the room.
“Something has occurred and we need to convene The Chosen and their elders. Sampson, you will, of course, be required to accompany Seraphina,” said Keela.
“What’s going on here?” Sera asked.
“She doesn’t know?” the male finally spoke.
“Annaphina has decided to wait until the time is right, Keelor.”
“The time is now,” said the enigmatic Keelor.
“I ask again, what’s going on here? How do you know these people, Sampson?” Sera asked, now totally confused.
“Forgive our presence which is foreign to you, Princess. We were unaware you were in the dark about your heritage.” Sera almost missed his brief study of her face as Keelor spoke before turning to Sam. “Sampson, next time you address Keela, please do so appropriately.”
“I beg your pardon, Princess Keela.”
“Forgiven, Sampson, alas Keelor can be a little overzealous at times. I understand your need for discretion,” said Keela.
“Sam, who are The Chosen?” Sera asked.
“I think I’d better answer your questions, Seraphina,” Anna told her daughter. “I’ve rescheduled my clients so we can talk. Please make yourselves comfortable. Would you like refreshments?”
This was returned with a shake of the head by all.
“Mum, what’s going on here?” She felt like a song stuck on repeat.
“I knew one day I would have to tell you who you are, but I’ve put it off for as long as possible. Since you came of age I knew it would just be a matter of time. I’ll tell you all about who they are and how it applies to you in a moment honey, but first I wish to find out what’s happened for them to venture from... home.”
“Please forgive our intrusion Elder Annaphina, however, The Chosen must assemble at once. Nermina has been abducted and Nermo incapacitated. We believe it may be the work of Mecaldorf,” Keela said.
“Do you think he intends to use her as ransom?” asked Anna.
“Yes, Elder Kalar believes this to be his intention. She has foreseen Mecaldorf recruiting lost folk. We believe one of these folk is responsible for Nermo’s imprisonment.”
Sera’s head swung from one to the other as they spoke, unable to grasp exactly what it was they were talking about. When she glanced at Sam, he didn’t appear confused or surprised by the information.
Keelor stood vigil beside the seated Keela as though he was powerless to leave her side. She noted now her assumption was indeed correct and his attire appeared to be constructed from leather, however, the trademark sound usually accompanying movement was absent. Upon his back appeared to be some type of long stick, maybe a staff, and this only added to her puzzlement. Was he carrying a weapon of some kind? Did Sam?
“Oh dear,” Anna murmured, turning to Sera. “I suppose I had best tell you who you are, Princess Seraphina.”
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